5th Group
Learn More about 5th Group
5th Special Forces Group (Airborne) is an elite U.S. Army Green Beret unit based at Fort Campbell, KY.
These exceptionally trained warriors have been at the forefront of combat operations since they led our nation’s response in Afghanistan after the attacks of 9/11.
5th Group has now been continually deployed in combat longer than any other unit in U.S. military history. These back-to-back deployments create great stresses on the Soldiers, but also the families on the home front.
Many of these selfless Warriors have had more than 20 combat deployments throughout the Middle and Near East, the areas of the globe for which 5th Group is responsible.
In practical terms, a Green Beret with four kids may have been lucky to have been home for one of every six to seven of his kids’ birthdays.